Press Release: Better models for a fair streaming economy in new report

Sep 13, 2022

A survey and report commissioned by International Artist Organisation, IAO, concludes that new
models for renumeration need to be introduced to obtain a fair streaming economy for all. Swedish
researcher and Music Industry analyst Daniel Johansson will present his report on Norwegian Music
Industry conference by:Larm on Thursday.

Daniel Johansson: ”– Many people tend to comment on the artists’ situation in the digital context, but here
we let the artists themselves have a say. The survey shows that a majority supports a change in how the
money is distributed from streaming, with the introduction of a new mandatory payment directly from the
streaming services, and a so-called user-centric distribution model. We hope the results can be used by
politicians, legislators, industry organizations and others, to understand the artists’ sometimes rather
complex and difficult situation. The next step is now to expand the survey to more countries and investigate
even more deeply the conditions for implementing the changes that artists clearly want.”

”-The digital world has provided fantastic innovation and opportunities, but also complex structures that can
be difficult to comprehend. We have commissioned this survey and report to get a wider picture of the artists’ and musician’s experience and positions as well as the music streaming industry. The more we know the better choices we can make, and we want to find sustainable and fair solutions for all to give new creators and innovators the best possible fundament for future growth and culture”, says IAO’s co-founder and director of the board Tore Østby from GramArt.

The report will be presented by Daniel Johansson, followed by a panel chaired by Nacho Garcia Vega (IAO
President) at by:Larm 14.00 in Dansens Hus on Thursday. Panelists: Sara Indrio, Danish-Italian musician,
singer, songwriter and Chairman of the Danish Artist Union and Vice Chairman of The Danish Arts Counsel
and Director of the Board of IAO, Jenny Hermanson, MD Nordics at Spotify, Anneli Axelson, Swedish singer
songwriter, voice coach, member of the Board of the Swedish Musicians Union and Director of the Board of
IAO and Kristine Bjørnstad, MD and coowner of 777 Music.

IAO is a nonprofit umbrella association for national organisations representing the rights and interests of
Featured Artists in the Music Industry. IAO principal interests are transparency, the protection of intellectual
property and a fair reflection of the value an artist’s work generates. IAO is based in Paris and was officially
founded in 2015. It consists of the following members: FAC (UK), La GAM (France), CoArtis (Spain),
GramArt (Norway), FACIR (Belgium), Dansk Artist Forbund (Denmark), Musikerförbundet (Sweden),
Muusikkojen liitto (Finland), CAFM (Croatia) and De Muzielgilde (Belgium). The organisation is in the
process of expanding ito welcome artist organisations from more countries across Europe and beyond.

Daniel Johansson
His research and teaching is focused on the music industrial economy and organisation as well as business
economics within the music industry with focus on streaming and digital distribution. Also business
informatics and information models, specifically how statistical analysis can be used in the music industry. At
Linnaeus University he teaches courses on the Music & Event Management and MusicProduction programs.
He has a tech background as a research engineer in computer science at the Royal Institute of Technology
(KTH) and BTH, as well as working at tech companies in the music industry. He writes on music and tech at, and is a Senior Lecturer at Inland Norway University of Applied Science.

For more information or inquiries regarding interviews, please contact:
Maria Engström
+46 70 512 42 93