
Member organisations
The FAC (UK)
The Featured Artists Coalition (‘FAC’) is the organisation in the UK that represents the rights and interests of its Featured Artist Members. The FAC has some 4,000 members and its board includes Nick Mason (Pink Floyd), Ed O’Brien (Radiohead), Sandie Shaw and Annie Lennox. The FAC membership is diverse and represents artists from across the industry including the spectrum of genres that the vibrant British music scene celebrates and of every generation.
Gramart (Norway)
GramArt is the organization for Norwegian music artists, counting approximately 3000 members from around the country, representing all musical genres. Established in 1989 to protect the legal rights and professional interests of the recording artists, GramArt is advocating the interests of the artists in the public debate and are constantly striving to improve their overall conditions through participation in the legislative and policy debates and in internal industry negotiations, also representing the artists in the relevant societies and collective management organizations.
Dansk Artist Forbund (Denmark)
Dansk Artist Forbund (Danish Artist Union) is a trade union and cultural interest group working for featured artists, soloists and entertainers who work professionally in music, performing arts and the entertainment industry. The union was founded in 1918 and today has a membership of approximately 1,400.
CoArtis (Spain)
CoArtis is a Spanish coalition founded in 2014 by music performers.
CoArtis is commited to the campaigns for the fair treatment of performers in the digital environment.
Luz Casal, Hevia, Miguel Ríos, Luis Cobos, Los Secretos, Rosana and Tam Tam Go are some of our numerous members. Nacho Gª Vega is General Coordinator of COARTIS.
Muusikkojen liitto - Finnish Musicians Union (Finland)
Founded in 1917, FMU is a trade organization for professional musicians. It organizes some 3 300 members in all genres of music. Individual members are given counsel and assisted free-of-charge for example in contract, tax, copyright and pension matters. Collective bargaining and cultural politics are important aspects of the work of the Union. So is affecting legislation in various fields relevant to musicians and their work, such as copyright.
La GAM - Guild of Artists of Music (France)
GAM unifies creators and performers of music. We are here to place the artists and their creations in the centre of discussions and negotiations taken by the french music industry. GAM regroups artists from all generations, sensibilities and styles of music.
La Fédération des Auteurs Compositeurs et Interprètes Réunis (qui se prononce « fakir »), ce sont plus de 800 membres, tous styles de musiques confondus, qui s’associent pour être mieux représentés, mieux écoutés, mieux entendus par les politiques et les partenaires culturels.
Musikerförbundet (Sweden)
Musicians’ Union which was established in 1907 is an association of in Sweden active musicians of all kinds, namely ‘musical authors’ such as composers, music arrangers, singers / songwriters and others – “performers” such as instrumental and vocal musicians, conductors, conductors, soloists, singers, music performers and music teachers, repetitörer, record managers and other professionals in the field of music.
CAFM - Croatian Association of Featured Musicians
Artists organization whose members are established and renowned featured artists of Croatia created in April 2015 by Mr. Elvis Stanic as President, Ms. Jadranka Cubric as General secretary and Ms. Mirela Priselac Remi as Coordinator for international relations.